Often the term "Crashed and Burned" is used when it comes to relationships gone south. And recently I was informed that "relationships, much like planes, are hard to land without a few bumps." Then it all clicked for me.
I can say with a straight face, that not a single relationship of mine can be described as having ended well. As a flyer, my planes have been stocked with no breaks, no wheels, and extra gas. I also have had a unfortunate tendency to aim at the ground. The ensuing explosions have been different, much like snowflakes, but explosions none the less. All that being said, it is not to say that I now dislike on flying planes.
Flying, on occasion, is fun. I think we can all agree to that. If you haven't been up for a plane ride in a while. A nice flight with a good in-flight movie can hit the spot. It can be just the trip to get away from it all. But sometimes what starts off as a nice flight can quickly become a never ending trip from hell. That fat guy right behind you keeps kicking your seat, the baby 13 rows down's shrieking still reaches back to rattle your ear drums, and that weird old lady who is bundled up just a little too much in your periph's is just acting strangely enough to irk the shit out of you.
This flight has been in the air just a little too long. You can't parachute out (this is a commercial airliner for god's sake, you can't just leave all your personal emotional baggage on the plane) and the bad weather over your destination isn't helping your trip. The plane can land with a few bumps, or it can crash and burn, but either way, after you get off the tarmac you're gonna wish the beginning of the flight had lasted forever. But alas, it was not to be.
We all know not all flights are like this. I've had shitty hour long flights, and excellent 6 hour flights, but we all know when that flight from hell comes along it's best to just get down as fast and as smooth as possible. Sometimes it's just easier to go hang gliding for a bit. Maybe even just hopping on a fast ski lift will fill your thrill of exhilaration. But even the worst flights aren't gonna keep some people from hanging around the terminal waiting to hop the next plane. Anybody know if this one's got a good in-flight movie?
whomever inspired you is a genius ;-)