Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Thoughts: Clothes

Alright now before I go anywhere the following post doesn't give you "23 New Fashion Tips!" or "100 Ways to Please Your Man," (sorry ladies) but merely contains my thoughts when it comes to clothing.

So. As I was getting ready for my big night out tonight, (sitting in my friends' den watching the Sox game,) I had an epiphany. Well, more like I remembered why I love my jeans so goddamn much. I've got three pairs of Vans Jeans. They are the same exact jeans, except that I have them numbered 1, 2, and 3. I can tell which is which by the wear and tear and a little help from the tags. Pair one has some cuts on the front from a little spill I took one night at school (no, not my birthday.) Pair two has a red dot on the tag, and the bottoms of the legs aren't nearly as worn out as the other two (they're my dress pair.) Finally Pair three has a little flip on the tag, and doesn't have the cuts on the front.

"Jim, I don't give a flying f*ck about your jeans."

Ok, fair enough, but the point is that I do. These 3 pairs of jeans, used in a rotation, got me through my winter at school. I love these jeans. Being Summer, and Summer being hot (except for this June, where it rained 28 out of 30 days...which I'm still pissed about) I do not get to wear my jeans nearly as much as I like. So getting the opportunity tonight, as it was overcast and 60's going into the evening, I jumped at the chance. Changing out my work jeans for my Vans jeans (pair one) was like changing out a wool sweater for a silk shirt. I kid you not. Throwing these jeans on was like popping on my P.J.'s. You gotta love your clothes because as the saying goes, "Clothes make the man."

In my mind, all clothes should be like this. I realize that with girls, there's some sort of fashion aspect, but to me it's one of those things where if you're comfortable in your clothes, you shouldn't have to worry about all that high fashion crap. I'm not saying I want everyone to throw on sweatpants and sweatshirts and just walk around like slobs; but if you can find a nice comfy pair of jeans, and a cool broken in t-shirt, throw your high heels to the wind. There are times to dress up, and times to just chill. In my opinion, people all too often confuse the two. I'm looking at you girls. Especially you girls who wear heels and dresses to parties at dilapidated frat houses. You know who you are.

Dressing casual is vastly underrated. I'm gonna go talk to that girl who's wearing the jeans, sandals, and sweet Sox Tee, before I head over to talk to the girl who's all glammed up, and blinds me every time the light catches her earrings and/or dress. (Which is every 4 and a half seconds.) So next time you're getting ready to go out, skip your heels, grab your high-tops, and chill for a bit.

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