I know about zero of you guys out there follow my Twitter. But from time to time, I do tend to tweet whilst I am out on my various escapades. So I decided that instead of writing a huge blog post detailing every experience, I'll just use my tweets as jumping points and go from there. And even though these didn't actually show up on Twitter cause Twitters still broken from the other day, it still counts. Enjoy.
5:48 - Just got to Essex with Beckett, who by the way is the worst Navigator ever. Getting shuttled over to the set now. Whooo!
So I asked Beckett to map out where we were going and print it out so I could find my way there. He looked at a map, but decided not to print it out. He's a dumbass. I got lost a few times, but eventually found the right way under my own power. They don't call me Prince Jim the Navigator for nothing. :D
7:21 - Just got a maroon collared shirt from wardrobe. Still haven't gotten anywhere near set. Whatevs I'm getting paid.
Upon arriving and checking in, we filled out a form, checked in with hair and makeup (who said we didn't need anything, because we were beautiful the way we looked (no they didn't)) and then went over to Wardrobe. Apparently my white shirt with a logo on it was a double no-no. Like a no-no Squared. So they gave me a shirt, and then I went back to my table with Beckett and we hung out.
8:06 - Drinking some jungle juice with strangers. Awesome.
While we were out checking in and stuff, some people had moved onto the other side of our table. Turned out they were like professional Extras, and one of 'em was an up an coming rapper named Kahdiak, and we talked for a bit, he showed us his music video on Youtube, and after he offered us some jungle juice. It was awesome.
9:15 - Been talking about movies and being an extra for the last hour. I am confident I could be a union extra in a high budget movie. Sweet.
After talking with him, we talked to his mom who was like a super extra. She'd been a cop, a criminal justice teacher, and now a professional extra. She told us all about how she got into being an extra, projects she's worked on, all sorts of cool shit. It was probably the most interesting point of the night.
10:01 - Finally going up to set.
After being there for almost 5 hours, they decided to let us move up to the beach where they were going to shoot the scene. It was a cool place, nice scenery, but by the time we got up there it was night, so the nice view over the lake was more, darkness lit up by giant ass spotlights. So Beckett, this kid we met Doug, and I picked a spot a bit back behind the camera and just chilled out for the night. They shot off some fireworks to entertain us, and filmed the cast watching it.
10:56 - David Spade, Colin Quinn, Chris Rock, Kevin James, Rob Schneider, Adam Sandler, Norm MacDonald, Maya Rudolph, Selma Hayek and Jim Redding. Awesome.
Yeah. It is an all-star cast. The director of the movie is the guy who played the head of the PGA in Happy Gilmore if you can remember back. Anywho, he was really funny and kept us entertained. Norm MacDonald took tons of pictures with people. Adam Sandler stood up and thanked us all for having us there at Essex (it was the last day of their shooting there), Rob Schneider and David Spade cracked some jokes, and Chris Rock kept running back and forth to watch the Red Sox - Yankee's game. They filmed us behind the cast cheering for the fireworks, now being represented by the director raising a flag on a pole, with flashing lights behind it. Then after that they had us pantomime cheering for fireworks while Adam and Selma Hayek recorded some dialog. All this lasted around two hours, and got really, really tiring after a while. We did get to sneak away a couple of times for free burgers though. That was awesome.
1:24 - Finally done shooting. Waiting in a nice long line then a nice trip home. Is Dunks open at 2AM?
Around 1 AM, they wrapped, and we all peaced back to the tent to check out. I had to turn in my maroon shirt before I could go though, so after waiting in that line, I had to wait in the other line. Bundles of fun. And we were just about asleep at that point, so we were weighing the possibility of there being an open Dunkin' Donuts. We couldn't find one, but we made it back from Essex to Marblehead in a mere 27 minutes. I went the Speed Limit the whole way. Promise.
Conclusion: I had a good time. I got paid 88 bucks, and I might be in the back of a scene in a movie. I was really tired by the end of it all, but I'd say it was definitely worth it. Next time I think I'll bring a book and my iPod though.
that's pretty cool