Today I went to go see Daybreakers. You've probably all seen the commercials, with Ethan Hawke doing stuff with that guy from Jurassic Park, with a narrator saying that all the blood is going to run out soon. That's really the movie in a nutshell, no big surprises or twists here.
However, I liked this movie. I would recommend you see this movie. This is not your little sisters vampire movie. If you are sick of all this BS Twilight nonsense; If you think that Vampires should not glimmer, sparkle, shine, or shimmer when they walk into sunlight, but instead BURST INTO FLAMES, go see this movie. Otherwise, go read another horrible romance novel. In a time where it's become common place to not only like vampires, but actually have crushes on vampires, this movie is a step back in the right direction. No more of this Vampires and Humans living together crap, but a return to the glorious Vampire vs. Human days of old. There's a couple, not a lot, of big action sequences, and none of that martial arts badassery from Blade, but enough for you fight jockeys out there to be somewhat captivated. However, there is gore galore. It comes and goes in clumps, but when it's there, there is a lot of it, which I liked, as it cemented the non-kiddie attitude of the movie in my mind. The story is pretty straight forward, but it does have a few twists and turns along the way so you can't call the end of the movie from the outset. Well okay, maybe you can, but you might be psychic, and it's really the ride that counts isn't it?
Anyway, I don't want to give too much away, but if you like gore, vampires that burst into flames, the occasional jump out of your seat moment, and a nice storyline, I would say this movie is right up your alley, and on a whole, a solid 7/10.
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