Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Paragraph of Game Review, and a few more of Hilarious Late-Night Adventuring

So, a week or two ago, I borrowed Mass Effect from my friend Beckett, and let me tell you, it opens a world of possibilities. While the trailers make it look like you can choose to destroy worlds, and ignore plight on a galactic scale, it is not quite as free as that. However in this game, for every action there is an equal and awesome reaction. So when I go up to somebody in the game's central hub, and they offer me a task to do, I can graciously accept, do the job, and be on my way. However I can also extort them and get bank and end up doing next to nothing. I often prefer the former, but when the situation calls for the latter, I prefer to let my assault rifle do the talking. I have saved whole races from extinction, and left a soldier to die. And it was BOSS. I would highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys really fleshing out their own world in their own way, and making the galaxy as they see fit. And just do yourself a favor and play a few worlds in, because I was not sold until I had really delved deep into the story and saved a race of aliens from a cruel death. Oh, and the fact that all my decisions will carry weight and change the world in the upcoming sequel Mass Effect 2, is effing AWESOME. So definitely rent it, borrow it, or even just buy it for 20 or 30 bucks used at the local game store.

MOVING ON.... So yesterday, after a long day of playing the game mentioned prior, I was alerted to head over to my friend Andy's house, already occupied by John and himself. Upon arrival, it was time to enter the arena. The only arena that three 19 year old boys, who are bored to death in the middle of the summer know.... Monopoly. Yes, picking up my trusty game piece (the thimble, as the hat had failed me the night before) we began this game of strategy and wits. It was a vicious battle back and forth, with John and my efforts keenly focused on denying Andy the orange spaces, and Andy focused on accumulating the weapons of our destruction. Eventually in a daring trade I swapped the third and final orange to Andy for my third and final Red. The corner around Free Parking was soon to be a death trap. All the meanwhile John had been silently accumulating the Greens. The game soon escalated in to multiple hundreds of dollars being thrown from player to player, with Andy eventually going out first, after circling the drain for a couple rounds. Then after landing on my Hotel on Illinois Avenue twice, John was down for the count and my Thimble now stood victorious. I am sure a third round will be soon to come.

It was at this point however that we discovered we were starving. Looking up from the game board for the first time, and away from the television, we soon discovered that it was also about 11 o'clock on a Wednesday night. That left us 1 option. Wendy's. A late night favorite among our group, it was quickly determined that this was our only and best course of action. So, hopping in my gasoline powered chariot, Andy, John and I were off to feast. Rendezvousing with our boy, Brian, we met up and all piled in to my car, because we had to hop in the drive through. We ordered $21.69 of food. Mostly off the dollar menu. Fast food is the best. Well... Best for late night eats. So then I did part two of this eloquent little fast food dance, and I pulled up to the window. Actually I pulled up 2 feet away from the window. Completely bush league. Completely Rook status. It was 11 on a Wednesday and I couldn't successfully pull up to a drive through window. People inside, and behind me, looked at me and in their eyes I could see their cold looks of judgment. Due to our outlandish amount of food that we had ordered we were asked to just pull up and our food would be brought to us eventually. 10 minutes, some fat jokes, some hilarious contemplation on the inability to get to the drive through window, and some Jim Gaffigan quotes later, we were all on edge. And that's when these two blonde girls drove by in the back of a truck. Being four guys at a fast food joint late at night, we threw inhibition to the wind, and started crawling out our windows to wave and yell "HI!" at the top of our lungs. They drove off, us never to know who they were, and as we were all sitting and enjoying the moment, John just threw in a little. "They were waving at me." He might as well have slapped everyone else in the face. "No way. They were waving at me!" then "That's BULL! They were staring at me before they started waving!" An argument broke out then, and my car was nearly the next octagon. Fists were about to fly when Brian shouted " WOAH WOAH WOAH!! Guys! Woah! I think at least we can all agree on one thing." We paused, waiting for his logic. "They weren't waving at me." We all burst out laughing, and then surrounded by a glow of late night delight, a random guy walked out with our two bags of food, and they were about to EXPLODE with greasy goodness.

All in all, we got back to Andy's, ate our food, and drank some soda before the night came to a close. T'was a good night, and I thought I'd share about my mundane adventures. Wendy's forgot my small fry, but was delicious none the less.

1 comment:

  1. yeah who told you repeatedly to play mass effect, asshole?
