Monday, January 11, 2010

Review: Avatar in IMAX 3D

Wowzers. What an experience. You'll often hear talk of the fabled IMAX Experience, a situation where the viewer themself is fully suspended in the realm of disbelief and the sights and sound bring the movie to life. This movie is the closest they have ever come to that.

From the commercials pretty much everyone can glean the gist of the story. Boy loses use of legs, boy goes to alien planet, boy takes control of his own alien body, boy as alien meets girl alien, boy alien and girl alien fall in love, boy turns against his own civilization. I'm sorry if that was too detailed and spoiled things. I've heard all sorts of criticisms for the story being too "generic" and whatnot, but here I stand firm, that those people can shove it.

Yeah, the basic story is generic, but you look at how many movies can be broken down the same way, and you'll realize that the story is more about the little nuances than the generalities. The world that James Cameron has created in this movie is for lack of a better word, epic. He has built a future, and a new planet, and somehow makes the viewer feel that this whole scenario wouldn't be too much of a stretch. I thought to myself, "Well okay, this is in the future, and on another planet, but other than that it seems real enough," which is exactly how you're supposed to feel. And I don't know if it was the IMAX or the 3D or the combination of the two, but boy were those graphics good. I never once thought, "Oh look how fake that blue person looks!" The entire movie was so polished and shiny you could have eaten off of it.

On the way back, my friend Beckett and I were talking, and he gleaned a pearl of wisdom. He said that when you make a movie like this, you need to put your heart and soul into it, and that is exactly what James Cameron did. He had this idea, waited till the technology he needed to make it was in place, and then went the extra mile and made the technology that he didn't have, before he made this movie. It shows. The billion dollars he's made since opening day goes to show how much audiences like this movie. This story he's made, along with the world he's made to house the story are both brilliant. The vibrant world he explores throughout the movie was so realistic, a few times, during some of the full view shots, I caught myself asking, "Where did they film this? No way they rendered this entire landscape."

James Cameron has set the bar for creating new worlds in this soon to be prevalent media of 3D. Throughout the movie I kept trying to ask myself, what would I give this? and the answer kept moving up as the story went along. So, what would I give this? 9/10. Do yourself a favor, go and see this in IMAX 3D, not in movie theater 2D. You'll be glad you did. And maybe bring some Advil just in case you get a headache from the sheer AWESOMENESS and/or glasses.

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